If I didn' have you
Auteur(s) :Yuehua Liu ; Chengzhi Chu
ISBN :9787301152027
Date de parution :2009
Pages :77
Poids :0.2 kg
Dimensions :1
Prix :10.00 €

Une collection de premières lectures, limitées à un vocabulaire de 500 mots. L'objectif est de motiver la lecture, d'acquérir aisance et confiance dans l'usage du chinois. Chaque livret inclut une liste de mots nouveaux traduits en anglais, des questions de compréhension sur les textes, avec corrigés et une liste de vocabulaire en annexe.

Les fichiers audio sont sous forme d'un CD

"Xiaoming is a pickpocket. He is really good at stealing. But he only steals from rich people. He never touches those who are poor, and doesn't let other thieves steal from poor people either. Xia Yu is a colege freshman. She lost her purse at a railway station. Xiaoming got the purse back for her from the thief. Another time, a thief stole an old woman's wallet on a bus. Xiaoming stole the wallet back from the thief and put into the lady's jacket unobserved. More surprisingly, when Xiaoming is falling in love with Xia Yu, he lands into a big trouble after stealing a wallet from a very rich man. Will Xiaoming the pickpocket win the love of Xia yu, a pretty college student ?"